Thursday, July 31


Apparently, little "Eddie" has a box problem. If there is a box that is empty, semi-empty, or if he has to remove the items from a box to fit in it, he'll be there. I am still looking for a home for this little guy, so if anyone is interested, please let me know.

Thursday, July 24

Michaela's Birthday Cake

We saw the recipe for this cake several months ago, and Michaela just HAD to have it for her birthday. I said okay, figuring she would change her mind before now. Well, she didn't. So, like the froggy cupcakes last year, this turned out to be one very expensive cake. Not to mention time consuming. But it turned out pretty cute, so I guess it was worth it. Here is a picture with the plain beach, before the "visitors" arrived.

Here is the beach with all the "tourists".

And because my children share my dark, twisted sense of humor, here is what happens if you don't stay behind the ropes!!

Wednesday, July 23


When I woke up this morning, I realized that Frederick had "pulled a Houdini"! My first thought was that he somehow had managed to escape. When Michaela woke up, we decided to check and see if maybe he had decided to go underground...

We took the fishtank out to the front porch, and I gently started pouring the dirt out of it. Low and Behold! There he was! Hiding in the bottom, under all the dirt. Now I guess it's just a matter of waiting and watching. Everything that I have read about this stage says that the amount of time is "variable". So we wait...

Tuesday, July 22


Michaela had named the hornworm "Frederick". He is now residing in the fish tank. I don't think he much cares, as long as there are plenty of tomato leaves to munch on. I was outside at midnight last night picking more leaves because I didn't want him to go hungry. (yes, I know, I'm a nut) I can see now how they can demolish a garden in no time. I have looked for others on my plants, but can't seem to find any. But then again, I wasn't looking for this one when I found him! Anyway, here is a picture of him in his new house.

And something that some might find disgusting, as CJ did, I took a picture of his "droppings". They look like little tiny ears of corn. So here is that picture, too! ENJOY!!

Summertime Science Project

As some of you may already know, yesterday when I was out picking tomatoes from my garden, I had quite the surprise. What I first thought was a baby cucumber, turned out to be a not so welcome visitor.

After some research and help from a few friends, I found out that this monstrosity is a Manduca sexta a.k.a. Tobacco Hornworm. Once he matures, he will be a Carolina Sphinx moth, or "hummingbird" moth. My daughter and I have decided to try and keep him through the remainder of his cycle, until he turns into a moth. These creatures burrow to finish their transformation, so I had to find a terrarium that would allow for 3" or so of soil in the bottom. Luckily, we had a small fish tank that I believe will work. I will continue to pick tomato leaves for him, until he goes underground. I will keep you updated on our progress, cause I know you're just dying to know!

Tuesday, July 15


Yes, yes. I know. It's been a long time since I posted on here. Sometimes it's hard to think of anything to say, or I just plain don't find the time. I'm gonna try and do better.

Michaela has started gymnastics classes. She loves it. Maybe she'll turn into an Olympic Gymnist. Who knows...