Thursday, April 3

For the "Over 21" Crowd

For The Over 21 Crowd


Take this survey

what year were you born? 1978

Did you watch saturday morning cartoons? every weekend!

What was your favorite saturday morning cartoon? Bugs Bunny & Friends

Do you know who NKOtB is? you bet! (I liked Danny)

Did you wear LA GEAR? YES! With 2 different laces in each shoe!

What was on your back pack? My Little Pony

What was on your lunch box? CareBears

Did you have roller blades? Yes

What was your first game system? the original Nintendo

Did you make or recieve friendship braclets? Yes

Did you EVER wear your jeans backwords? no

What was the first single that you bought? Bangles - "walk like an egyptian"

Was it a cd or a tape? tape

Think back to middle school...what was your favorite song? Vanilla Ice - Ice, Ice Baby!

What was your favorite song in high school? anything by Pearl Jam

Did you have a high school sweet heart? yes

Where are they now? at work!

Did you have a pager? yes

ICQ, Yahoo, or AOL IM? what? they didn't exsist!

Did you have a computer? no

Its a friday night in high school, where were you? football game

Its a week night in high school what were you doing? working

Do you still have any momentos from high school, if so what? my tassel from my cap

Did you graduate high school? yes

If so what year? 1996

Did you go/ will you go to your ten year reuninion? I don't think they had one.

In high school what was your click percieved as? I wasn't in a click.

What is your biggest accomplishment since high school? my family

Did you go to college? no

What is your current relationship status? married

Do you have any kids? yes, 2

How old are you now? 29


More MySpace Surveys @

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