Wednesday, March 5


I have noticed that I usually start everything with "well," or "okay,". I am not going to do that today. How aggravating. Here goes...Chris had his endoscopy yesterday morning. Everything is normal. Looks good, the doctor says. If that's the case, what the heck is going on then?? I'm pretty sure that pain so bad it makes you break out in cold sweats is not normal. They took a biopsy of his stomach lining to test for Ciliac disease. I know I probably spelt that wrong, but it's the thing where gluten makes you sick. We should have the results of that in 7 business days. I'm starting to get annoyed. Something has to be found out. Blood work is normal, ultrasound is normal, endoscope is normal. urrrr. I wanted to scan the pics they gave us of the inside of Chris's stomach and put them on here, but that would probably gross everyone out. Anyway, for now the waiting game continues...

1 comment:

MamaTeeThree said...

Oh, give us the gross pictures! We'll still love you anyway!

I hope they figure it out soon and Chris starts feeling better! We'll pray for you guys.